Visily API Access **This is the BIG Request!
Davidson Ospina
First off - Your my favorite! the reason why I'm requesting access to the API would be absolutely amazing. Sure many would find this super useful. Hoping it's on the roadmap. Great work guys!
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Vi Vo
Merged in a post:
API Feature
A Yadav
API feature to call your product services from backend of our projects and product which would help in creating more advances applications.
Vi Vo
Hi Davidson Ospina,
Thank you for your kind words! Could you share what you are planning to build using the API? Which API you do you want us to expose first?
Davidson Ospina
Vi Vo Hello - You're very welcome! Your API to take an image (Screenshot) to design then perhaps right into the Editor, would be Awesome! I have it already working with OpenAI Vision, which I think you're doing the same. But I like all the other amazing things you can do once the design is on Visily. The work is done! Thank you
Vi Vo
Davidson Ospina: Thanks for clarifying. We will consider developing an API and update here if there's any progress on that.
Nika Kukava
Vi Vo hi guys is there any news about api ?