Feature Request: Copy-Paste with Retained Formatting
Felipe Adm
When copying text from tools like ChatGPT, Google Docs, or other online sources into Visily, the original formatting (e.g., bold, lists, colors) is not retained. This forces users to manually reapply formatting, which is time-consuming and reduces productivity.
Proposed Solution:
Add functionality to allow pasting text with its original formatting preserved. Key features:
Option to Paste with Formatting (retaining styles like bold, lists, fonts, etc.).
Option to Paste as Plain Text for cases where formatting is not needed.
A Preview Option to choose between formatted or plain text before pasting.
Saves users time by eliminating repetitive reformatting tasks.
Ensures consistency in designs by retaining source formatting.
Improves user productivity and enhances the overall experience.
Use Cases:
Pasting formatted text generated by AI tools like ChatGPT.
Importing lists, tables, or styled content from external tools into Visily.
Ensuring seamless collaboration between different tools.
Thank you for considering this feature! It would significantly improve workflows and make Visily even more user-friendly.
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